- Case managers
- Parole officers
- Court assessment and prosecutions officer
- Professional practice
- Community work and partnerships
- All CCS roles
On this page
Community Correctional Services (CCS) is made up of several streams, and each contributes to community safety in important ways. Within each stream, there are many different professional opportunities.
View all CCS opportunities (External link)
Case managers
Case managers help offenders meet their court and parole conditions. They also connect offenders to community programs and services.
They aim to reduce the risk of reoffending by:
- conducting risk assessments
- preparing case plans
- providing interventions
- attempting to address the underlying causes of offending.
There are 3 main components to our work as case managers. These are underpinned by evidence-based case management practices.
1. Ensure the people in our case load comply with the requirements of their court order and parole conditions
These requirements could include:
- community service
- drug and alcohol treatment
- avoiding certain people and places
- reporting to an assigned justice centre.
2. Facilitate interventions that address offending behaviours
Case managers connect their clients with government agencies and community organisations. This is in order to address the underlying causes of offending behaviour. Sometimes, this is a requirement of the offender’s court order or a condition of their parole. Other times, the interventions could be an outcome of the assessment they have made.
3. Provide empathetic support and model pro-social behaviours to guide our clients to make better choices
Case managers help the people we work with get their lives back on track. That means being a good role model and a great listener. Every interaction must demonstrate respectful and appropriate behaviour.
As mentors, they:
- challenge and reset the destructive beliefs and perspectives that offenders may have of themselves and the world around them
- coach offenders to focus on their strengths and recognise their achievements
- hold them accountable when they neglect their promises and commitments.
They also:
- teach offenders important everyday tasks. For example, accessing health, welfare and transport services
- reconnect them to the important people in their lives.
Case study
Below is a real example of how one of our case managers, Ibrahim*, helped an offender, Tom*, break the cycle of reoffending.
Tom had a significant criminal history, with many theft and aggravated burglary offences. He presented a high risk of reoffending.
At the commencement of the order, Tom was unemployed and living in unstable accommodation. He was not in contact with his 2 young children.
Ibrahim used evidence-based case management to address the factors that led to Tom offending, including unemployment and fractured family relationships.
He linked Tom to an employment pathway broker, who coached Tom on resume and interview preparation. This helped him secure his first job in 10 years.
Tom also re-established contact with his family after years of separation.
Tom’s progress was recognised at a judicial monitoring hearing at the Magistrates' Court. He successfully completed his order.
Tom acknowledged Ibrahim’s role in helping him make positive life choices and avoiding high-risk situations.
*Names have been changed

Parole officers
Parole officers supervise and monitor complex and high-profile prisoners on parole and post sentence orders. They apply case management principles to help offenders adhere to their parole requirements.
Court assessment and prosecutions officer
Court assessment and prosecutions officers support the operation of the Court Assessment and Prosecutions Service and apply relevant work practices. These practices include:
- conducting court assessments to determine an offender’s suitability for a court order
- facilitating the variation or cancellation of an order
- prosecuting individuals who fail to comply with their orders.
Professional practice
Professional practice advisers are experienced case management staff who provide highly developed case practice advice. To promote best practice across the region, they:
- undertake case practice quality audits
- provide regular forums and education sessions.
Community work and partnerships
The community work team develops productive and sustainable work partnerships with community organisations. This allows offenders to undertake unpaid work that benefits the community.
The innovative design and implementation of place-based assignments encourages offenders to:
- build responsibility
- develop new skills to connect and assist them to reintegrate into society
- make reparation for offences they have committed.
There are many types of community work, such as:
- food preparation
- clothes sorting at op shops
- collecting litter
- maintaining public gardens.
We recruit staff to fill several key roles within community work, including:
- field officers
- community work officers
- development officers.
Field officers
Field officers supervise offenders completing court-ordered community work tasks. Acting as key role models, they promote the rehabilitative benefits of community work programs to offenders.
Community work officers
Community work officers administer community work practices, including contracting offenders to appropriate local community work sites and monitoring their attendance and compliance.
Community work development officers
Community work development officers develop and maintain productive and sustainable community work partnerships. They seek opportunities for offenders to take part in meaningful work that promotes rehabilitation and reintegration into the community.
All CCS roles
Below is a full list of positions we recruit for in CCS.
Court case management roles
- Case officer
- Case manager
- Aboriginal case manager
- Advanced case manager
- Aboriginal advanced case manager
- Advanced case manager (drug court)
- Supervisor (court case management, drug court or court services)
- Manager, court practice
Community work and partnerships roles
- Field officer
- Community work officer
- Community work supervisor
- Community work and partnerships manager
Parole and post sentence roles
- Parole officer
- Aboriginal parole officer
- Senior parole officer
- Specialist case manager
- Principal practitioner
Court assessments and prosecutions roles
- Court assessment and prosecutions officer
- Court assessment and prosecutions supervisor
Professional practice roles
- Professional practice adviser
- Manager, professional practice
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Contact us
Community Correctional Services recruitment
Email: BAUrecruitment@justice.vic.gov.au (External link)
Community Correctional Services workforce development
Email: CCSworkforcedevelopment@justice.vic.gov.au (External link)