The department periodically publishes reviews and reporting data on the youth justice service.


Youth Justice Review and Strategy: Meeting needs and reducing offending

Conducted by Penny Armytage, former Secretary of the Department of Justice and Regulation, and Professor James Ogloff AM, Director of the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science at Swinburne University, this is the first comprehensive independent review of Victoria's youth justice system in over 16 years. 

This review will help guide work to strengthen and modernise Victoria's youth justice system.

Review of escapes from the Malmsbury Youth Justice Precinct on 8 November 2016 and 25 January 2017

On 8 November 2016 a young offender escaped from the senior facility at the Malmsbury Youth Justice Precinct (MYJP) and was driven away from the precinct by an accomplice. On 25 January 2017, 20 young offenders escaped from the secure facility and the senior facility at the MYJP, 13 of whom escaped in a vehicle stolen at the Precinct. An independent review was conducted by Neil Comrie AO APM, assisted by Brian Hine.

Review of incidents at the Parkville Youth Justice Precinct on 12-14 November 2016

On 12 to 14 November 2016, a series of incidents occurred at the Parkville Youth Justice Precinct during which detainees caused significant damage to the Precinct. An independent review was conducted by Neil Comrie AO APM.

Review of the Children and Justice Legislation Amendment (Youth Justice Reform) Act 2017

The report provides insights into the significant reforms and extraordinary change to the Youth Justice system that has taken place since the reforms under review commenced.

The Victorian Government response to this review is also available.

Data reports

Youth justice custodial quarterly incident reporting data

The Victorian Government has made a commitment to publish quarterly incident reporting data from quarter three, 2015-16.

Incident reporting data is a snapshot in time of allegations and observed incidents in youth justice custodial facilities operated by the department.

They are recorded and remain as incidents regardless of whether further information becomes available to substantiate or disprove an event. Incident reports include disclosures of historic abuse and assault that were alleged to have occurred before a young person entered youth justice detention.

As part of the Machinery of Government changes announced by the Premier on 6 February 2017, youth justice services transferred to the department from the Department of Health and Human Services on 3 April 2017.


Incident reporting - Quarter one (1 July to 30 September 2024)


Incident reporting - Quarter four (1 April to 30 June 2024)

Incident reporting - Quarter three (1 January to 31 March 2024)

Incident reporting - Quarter two (October to December 2023)

Incident reporting - Quarter one (July to September 2023)


Incident reporting - Quarter four (April to June 2023)

Incident reporting - Quarter three (January to March 2023)

Incident reporting - Quarter two (October to December 2022)

Incident reporting - Quarter one (July to September 2022)


Incident reporting - Quarter four (April to June 2022)

Incident reporting - Quarter three (January to March 2022)

Incident reporting - Quarter two (October to December 2021)

Incident reporting - Quarter one (July to September 2021)


Incident reporting - Quarter four (April to June 2021)

Incident reporting - Quarter three (January to March 2021)

Incident reporting - Quarter two (October to December 2020)

Incident reporting - Quarter one (July to September 2020)

Youth justice quarterly isolation reporting data

Use of isolation in Youth justice custody involves placing a child or a young person in a locked room, separate from others and away from the normal routine of the centre. Isolation is regulated by the Children, Youth and Families (CYF) Act 2005.

Isolation episode reporting data will be published on a quarterly basis on the DJCS website from quarter one, 2020-21 to increase public understanding of the operation of Victoria’s youth justice facilities.


Isolation reporting data - Quarter one (1 July to 30 September 2024)


Isolation reporting data - Quarter four (1 April to 30 June 2024)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter three (1 January to 31 March 2024)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter two (October to December 2023)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter one (July to September 2023)


Isolation reporting data - Quarter four (April to June 2023)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter three (January to March 2023)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter two (October to December 2022)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter one (July to September 2022)


Isolation reporting data - Quarter four (April to June 2022)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter three (January to March 2022)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter two (October to December 2021)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter one (July to September 2021)


Isolation reporting data - Quarter four (April to June 2021)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter three (January to March 2021)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter two (October to December 2020)

Isolation reporting data - Quarter one (July to September 2020)

Youth justice quarterly unclothed searches reporting data

Searches of young people in Youth Justice custody are regulated by section 488 of the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 (CYF Act). They can be conducted where necessary to maintain security, good order, safety or welfare. 

Routine unclothed searches were ceased in Youth Justice Custody from February 2021. The use of unclothed searches is limited in Youth Justice and utilised where there is a reasonable belief that a young person has prohibited items on their person, and if other less intrusive searches have failed to address or mitigate the risk. The use of unclothed searches requires approval by senior operational staff.

Unclothed search data will be published on a quarterly basis on the DJCS website from quarter three, 2022-23 to increase transparency and public understanding of the operation of Victoria’s youth justice facilities.


Unclothed searches reporting data - Quarter one (1 July to 30 September 2024)


Unclothed searches reporting data - Quarter four (1 April to 30 June 2024)

Unclothed searches reporting data - Quarter three (1 January to 31 March 2024)

Unclothed searches reporting data - Quarter two (October to December 2023)

Unclothed searches reporting data - Quarter one (July to September 2023)


Unclothed searches reporting data - Quarter four (April to June 2023)

Unclothed searches reporting data - Quarter three (January to March 2023)