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Monitoring progress
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The Department of Justice and Community Safety has developed its first Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025 (GEAP).
The Plan outlines the actions we will take to promote gender equality within our workforce and improve outcomes for people of all genders who come into contact with the justice system and its services.
We developed it in partnership with staff and allies across the department.
The Plan has 4 focus areas:
Focus area 1: Improving data on gender and intersectionality
We want to improve how we collect data. We will use the data to create better policies, programs, services and workforce strategies.
Focus area 2: Building capability and capacity related to equality
We want to raise the capability and competency of the department’s workforce to provide an equitable and inclusive and safe workplace for women and gender diverse people.
Focus area 3: Equitable pathways to career development and leadership
We want more women and gender diverse people in leadership roles. Women and gender diverse people should have better opportunities for career development, equal pay, leave and flexible work.
Focus area 4: Creating a safer, empowering and inclusive culture
We want to create environments where justice clients and staff feel safe, respected, supported and valued.
Monitoring progress
We will monitor our progress by:
- governance structures responsible for overseeing implementation of the Plan
- producing public reports every 2 years in accordance with the Gender Equality Act 2011 (External link) reporting obligations.
Gender Equality Progress Report 2021-2023
Our first Gender Equality Progress Report 2021-2023 includes:
- the policies, programs and services that were subject to a Gender Impact Assessment (GIA)
- the actions taken as a result of each GIA
- our progress in relation to the measures and strategies set out in our Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025
- our progress in relation to the workplace gender equality indicators.
Gender Equality Progress Audit 2023
In addition to our Progress Report the department completed a Progress Audit in relation to the gender equality indicators.
This involved collecting workforce and employee experience data in 2023 and comparing the information to our workforce gender audit data collected in 2021.
To view the department’s 2021 and 2023 summary data visit the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector Insights Portal (External link).
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